cristina's shared items in Google Reader

Monday, December 10, 2007

my e-portfolio

Hey, here is my e-portfolio, check it out!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

chapter 7

My views on chapter 7 is that it was a review chapter. What I got from it was how to use the Internet instructively, more than personally. I know most of this because almost every college in the United States uses the Internet either to teach classes or like we use RamCT. I believe it is a great way to get to all your students at once, and easier to do your grading, but there are some problems to that too.
It seems like when so many people use the same website, the website gets overloaded and breaks down. Or it is a brand new site, like RamCT was, and has many kinks and bugs to work out that it frustrates everyone and seems like more of a pain than anything else. But, I do believe that instructional websites are a great and use full thing to use in a classroom, as long as you teach your students how to use it correctly, and teach them how to troubleshoot! Otherwise, your going to have thousands of questions and a lot of students sitting there doing nothing. As long is it is organized and well planned, this can help tremendously in the classroom.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

my teachers

Most of my teacher use the same power point presentation class after class after class. I do like it, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I need it to be more exciting, or something with bright colors. Oh, but not moving things on the power point slides, that is just so distracting, and I don't retain anything from lecture. But here came along in my Chemestry class, the same power point presentation, but with a little twist. She had a question on the board, and we were all supposed to answer it, but how? Do we write it on a piece of paper, or do we just shout it out? No, we had "clicker" and the whole class would chose the answer and the results only took about 20 seconds. Amazing! I have never seen this before! I loved this technology because the teacher can tell if we were actually awake during lecture, or if the whole class was confused on a certain subject. I remember one time where the whole class was confused on this certain formula, and she knew right away that she needed to spend more time on it tell we understood it. Most teacher's just assume that we understand, when we really don't, and then we're screwed. So this I thought was the greatest invention in all of my education, yes!

instructional websites

You can't go wrong if your an FCS major than to go to the American Association of Family and Consumer Science. This website is full of usefull material for a teacher, and for the student. When you go to the resources tab, it brings you to a page where they give you all the websites to cosnsumer services, eary childhood, family, human development, parenting, facilities management and maintenance, food production and food science, nutrition and even textiles and apparel. Wow, that was a lot, but I had to mention them all, because this is really exciting for me, I didn't want to forget any. I can use this for my research to find the new guidlines for food safety and nutrition, or even human development. This is a great way for me to keep up with the new things happening in my field. It is also quicker than reading journal after journal, sure they have tons of information, but if I want to find a certain topic, I don't have to look far. This is even great for my students to use. I can give them project ideas and lead them to this site, which will in turn point them in the right direction. Plus, this is a lot more safer and faster than using google, which every child knows how to do. It can even eliminate some distractions because it only takes them to national or government websites, not fake ones where they could get the wrong information. It is not the most exciting site out there, but it is very useful. I just wish they made more games or onling activities that are just for Family and Consumer classes. Well, I will keep looking, maybe one will show up some time in the future. So go to to get some great resources for any human development topic.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


This image is someone that everyone is familiar with. Marilyn Monroe was a popular figure in the 1950's and shows how the idea of a woman had changed is a short period of time. The idea went from women only being allowed in the home, to being a sex symbol. She is a great example of how we saw women in the 1950's, and how we still see women today.